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Research to Results: 10 AI Prompts for Speeding Up Industry Analysis

Research to Results: 10 AI Prompts for Speeding Up Industry Analysis

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Industry research you can trust Published 06 Sep 2024 Read time: 5

Published on

06 Sep 2024

Read time

5 minutes

Key Takeaways

  • Leverage AI-driven prompts to streamline industry research, transforming complex data into actionable insights.
  • Utilize strategic planning tools to uncover risks, opportunities and gaps, helping you stay ahead of market trends.
  • Benchmark your company’s performance against industry standards quickly and efficiently with Phil’s AI capabilities.

ChatGPT puts the whole internet at your fingertips, yet users still complain that its answers can be derivative. What’s more: in fields of work where data quality is paramount and sources must be vetted, the mystery of ChatGPT’s methodology is an issue.

As large language models (LLM) and artificial intelligence (AI) find their way into more of the platforms you rely on, the dream of combining your familiar and trusted sources with AI’s efficiency is becoming a reality. Enter: Phil by IBISWorld.AI. As IBISWorld’s generative AI economist, Phil brings you the convenience of fast answers backed by world class industry research from the analysts at IBISWorld.

Phil has been trained to generate some of the most common information and deliverables today’s business professionals rely on, helping you throughout your research journey to master any industry. Get closer to the finish line when you let Phil help you find answers, prep for meetings, write pitches and more.

Here’s a look at 10 requests you can type into Phil to leverage his AI superpowers with our industry research.

1: Help me prepare for my meeting

Knowing which talking points to hit during your sales call or stakeholder meeting can be the difference between selling your idea and stopping it dead in its tracks. Demonstrate your expertise and connect with your clients and prospects when you ask Phil to write your agenda or call script. Get a head start on crafting compelling pitches and simplify your meeting prep by having Phil distill down the industry information and pain points that will resonate most with your audience.

2: Build me a strategic plan

When embarking on strategic planning, the biggest challenge often lies in knowing where to start and identifying the critical blind spots or known unknowns that could derail your efforts. Phil helps you uncover these by sifting through vast amounts of industry data to highlight potential risks, opportunities and gaps in your strategy. Instead of merely compiling data, Phil guides you through the strategic planning process by pinpointing insights you might overlook and ensuring your plan addresses all key factors. Whether you’re mapping out a SWOT analysis, Ansoff Matrix or Porter’s Five Forces, Phil sets you on the right path to discovery.

3: Show me how my company measures up

Put the calculator away, stop scanning pages of statistics and just ask Phil. He can use the information you share to calculate how your company stacks up to industry averages across a range of performance metrics, streamlining the process for benchmarking your performance against your competitors. Want a better picture of your client’s standing in the industry? Tell Phil what you know about their performance, and he’ll do the rest.

4: Kickstart my documentation

When you’re tasked with documenting important strategies and recommendations, getting started can be the toughest part. Whether it’s creating an audit recommendation, a strategic plan, or a market analysis, Phil can help you jumpstart the process by identifying and organizing the most relevant data points. With Phil’s assistance, you can get the first draft under your belt quickly, tailoring content to specific directives like SMART goals, tone, word count and the frameworks that best align with your objectives.

5: Help me pitch to stakeholders

Having a great idea can be exciting, but sometimes it’s hard to get decision makers to buy in without the facts to back up your next big plan. Supporting your recommendations with industry data demonstrates that you’ve done your research. Give Phil some key details about your role, who you’ll be speaking with and the case you’re making, and he’ll provide a tailored summary of the information that will most effectively establish your credibility – and your idea’s potential – within your company or beyond.

6: Guide me through business problems

Whether you’re facing a business problem or trying to stay ahead of potential risks, Phil can help you lay the foundations for your next move with practical, industry-informed strategies. Phil interprets the key success factors within our industry reports and analyzes them with your problem space in mind, helping you move through the problem-solving process faster. Phil’s answers reflect real-world factors, synthesizing vast amounts of data, trends and analysis into actionable steps.

7: Show me the red flags

Synthesizing an entire industry report’s data and analysis, spotting risk factors, evaluating their effects – these tasks take up a lot of space on your to-do list when you’re trying to identify and manage threats to your business or your client’s. Thankfully, Phil can quickly provide you with the information you need to effectively identify, measure and mitigate industry-specific risks that might affect your lending decisions, strategic planning, resource allocation or investment choices.

8: Elevate my messaging

Some days it’s just hard to get words on the page. You can have all the relevant information in front of you, know who you’re trying to reach, understand your unique value props and still be staring at a blinking cursor. One of the most exciting ways that Phil can make your life easier is by breaking down those blocks. Tell Phil the kind of content you need, who your audience is and even the tone you want to use and he’ll pinpoint relevant industry information to draft everything from LinkedIn posts to sales emails. The best part? Phil accesses exclusive information from IBISWorld, helping your message stand out from millions of others written by mainstream chatbots.

9: Show me key industry trends 

Not sure where to look for specific data points or trends? Curious whether a certain trend is covered in the report? Give Phil a few seconds to scan the report and find out. From market sizing to wage

10: Summarize the market dynamics

A straightforward summary or market analysis can be exactly what you need for your business plan, credit presentation or internal documentation. Tell Phil what you’d like summarized from the report and get a clear and concise version that is ready to copy and paste.

Final Word

Phil is revolutionizing industry research and strategy, putting businesses on the fast track to success. Don’t get left behind – join over 100,000 subscribers who find success with IBISWorld every day. Contact us to learn more.

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