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The Power of Strategic Partnerships for Sales Growth

The Power of Strategic Partnerships for Sales Growth

Written by

James Staddon

James Staddon
Head of Strategic Accounts and Partnerships Published 03 Apr 2024 Read time: 11

Published on

03 Apr 2024

Read time

11 minutes

Key Takeaways

  • Strategic partnerships fuel sales growth by expanding reach, enhancing offerings and fostering innovation.
  • Choose partners based on complementary strengths, culture fit, reputation and commitment to mutual growth.
  • Cultivate lasting partnerships by setting clear goals, building trust, embracing change and engaging in open communication.

Always Be Closing. Anyone in sales has heard these words of wisdom. Maybe from an ambitious sales manager, a classic movie or an overall attitude towards revenue and commissions. In my career, this mantra and a diligent sales process have always been a path to growth for anyone on the team. However, nowadays, ‘always be connecting’ is my new motto. This evolution in my sales strategy has completely reshaped how I build customer value through business partnerships.

I've witnessed the transformative impact of partnerships on sales growth. When approached strategically, partnerships open doors to new markets, enhance offerings and spark innovation.

So, how do you choose the right partner? It's about finding a company with complementary strengths, aligning cultures and building trust based on reputation and reliability. Partnering empowers a focus on long-term goals and mutual growth – a win-win for both parties.

Why are partnerships important to sales growth?

Let’s look at why partnerships are so key to sales growth. They’re a ticket to helping your business reach more customers, improving your products or services, and helping you streamline the sales process. When you collaborate strategically, the effort leads to bigger success than going solo.

Think about it: strategic collaboration isn’t just adding another name to your list of contacts. You’re opening doors to new markets and customers that you might’ve struggled to reach on your own.

Partnerships widen your net and help you to deepen your product offerings. Collaboration brings together complementary services and products, creating a complete solution and bringing faster time to value for customers. Customers often want all-in-one solutions and the right partnerships can help you meet that demand.

Two salespeople.

What should drive partnership decisions?

There are a few things to keep in mind when looking for partners in business. Aligning with your business goals is, of course, a crucial element, but there are multiple facets to consider. Cultivating partnerships requires embracing a mindset that considers your interests as well as those of your customers and the broader market.

Adopting a customer centric approach

Centering your partnership strategy around your customers is a non-negotiable. Your partnership strategy should revolve around meeting your customers’ needs. As you assess potential partnerships, ask yourself:

  • How does this partnership elevate my customer’s journey?
  • Does it directly address their pain points and challenges?

If the answers resonate with what your customers are craving, then you're onto something big. Placing customers front and center builds a loyal following who will champion your brand, driving your business toward success. To truly serve your customers effectively, it’s essential to acknowledge your own gaps in service offerings or capabilities.

Understanding what your customers want that you currently don’t or can’t provide sets the stage for beneficial partnerships. By pinpointing these areas, you can team up with partners who complement your solution, boosting your value to customers. This helps to close the needs gap and strengthens your market position.

When you can offer a more comprehensive solution through smart partnerships, it reflects your commitment to adopting a customer centric approach. This builds loyalty with existing customers and attracts new customers looking for that all-in-one solution.

When I think about customer-centric partnerships in action, a standout example for me is the collaboration between Salesforce and IBISWorld. Salesforce, with its global reach and CRM dominance, teams up with IBISWorld, an industry research powerhouse. This partnership is a match made in heaven, especially for sectors like banking.

The partnership seamlessly integrates Salesforce and IBISWorld's prep questions, giving relationship managers instant access to vital insights without hassle. This allows RMs to ace client interactions and win business across diverse industries.

And the perks don’t stop there – Salesforce goes the extra mile by automating tasks like populating credit memos and presentations with accurate data. This level of customer-centric innovation is what drives success and sets the standard for how partnerships should be done.  

Meeting your customers in their workflow

Let’s take it a step further. Meeting customers in their workflow goes beyond being customer-centric. It’s really about fully embracing an ecosystem-led growth model. Success lies in integrating your solutions seamlessly into their day-to-day operations.

This level of integration is crucial for effectively addressing your customers’ needs and pain points. By taking this approach, you can provide value and usability, which leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. It also encourages deeper engagement, making the integrated offerings a vital part of your customer’s operations, not just separate solutions.

For example, the partnership between IBISWorld and RelPro offers a powerful prospecting solution for banking institutions. RelPro provides a detailed prospect profiles enriched with relationship intelligence, while IBISWorld offers extensive industry research. This collaboration empowers RelPro users with access to valuable industry insights directly from their platform, enhancing their capabilities and improving customer experiences, much like our Salesforce partnership.

Integrated solutions like this showcase the potential of an ecosystem strategy. Through this powerful combination of offerings, IBISWorld and RelPro provide a comprehensive solution that addresses multiple aspects of their customers’ needs. This approach fosters innovation by leveraging the strengths of each partner to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

How should you choose partners?

Now that you know what should guide your partnership decisions, let’s talk about how to choose the right partners.

When you’re on the lookout, think beyond the obvious perks. Choosing the right partner comes down to shared goals and values. Consider how a partnership aligns with your long-term business objectives. For example, IBISWorld client’s want our data in their way to make it more useful in the workflow. For years, delivery through an API has served the market well. Our new advancement of the Call Prep Insights app for Salesforce offers another delivery method in a platform that many of our clients utilize daily, straight off the shelf, removing the need for expensive integrations which need continual updates. It’s our goal to meet clients in the workflow and via multiple content distribution models so that any client has access to data through the platforms that they use the most.

Here are some things to think about that can help you make smart choices:

Look for complementary strengths

Finding partners whose strengths complement your own is key. Honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses is crucial, as it allows for more effective collaboration and better outcomes for clients. Working together balances your weaknesses and boosts the quality of deals, leading to a more thorough approach in meeting client needs and achieving success together.

Questions to consider

  • What unique skills or assets does the potential partner bring to the table that we lack?
  • How can each partner’s strengths be leveraged to optimize the partnership’s overall performance?
  • Are there any overlaps in our offerings that could lead to competition rather than collaboration?
  • How does the partner’s market position complement ours for mutual growth?
  • Can their technology or infrastructure enhance our product/service delivery?
  • In what ways can the partnership improve our value proposition to customers?

Evaluate cultural fit

Smooth collaboration hinges on cultural alignment. For successful partnerships, mutual respect, shared goals and similar working styles are important. When team members understand and appreciate each other’s cultural nuances, communication flows more effectively, trust is established and productivity grows.

Working with partners who have complementary products often entails overlapping market share. This can seem threating, or risky. Both parties need to be ready to understand the opportunities and limitations of each business’s strategy and objectives to ensure the partnership strategy aligns with the overall company strategy. For example, start-ups often approach risk with a mindset that differs from that of large public organizations. Evaluating cultural fit becomes even more vital in the decision-making process.

Questions to consider

  • How does the potential partner’s company culture align with our values and work ethic?
  • Can we envision our teams working together seamlessly on joint projects?
  • Do they promote open communication and transparency?
  • What are their conflict resolution strategies, and do they align with ours?
  • What is their approach towards innovation and risk-taking in business operations?

Consider reputation and reliability

A potential partner’s reputation and reliability weigh in just as significantly as their technical capabilities or alignment with your goals. Think of it as the backbone of the partnership – if it’s strong, it can support growth and weather changes. A partner’s reputation in the industry among their peers can give you a sneak peek into what working with them could be like.

Questions to consider

  • Do they have a track record of maintaining long-term strategic partnerships, and what do their current and past partners say about working with them?
  • Can they provide references or case studies that showcase their ability to maintain productive and stable partnerships?
  • How is the potential partner viewed by its clients and within the industry?
  • Have they consistently delivered on their promises and commitments in past collaborations?
  • Are there any known disputes or grievances against them that could indicate reliability issues?
  • What does their financial stability say about their capacity to sustain long-term partnerships?

Focus on mutual growth

Choosing a partner who grows with you ensures collaboration for the long-haul, not just short-term gains. When your goals align, both parties support each other’s successes. A shared commitment to growth fosters innovation, making resources more effective and challenges easier to solve. Equally invested partners nurture the partnership for shared successes and lasting bonds that adapt to market changes and embrace new opportunities.

Questions to consider

  • How do the long-term goals of both parties align and what measures can be implemented to ensure they continue to do so over time?
  • What frameworks can be established to measure the partnership's success in terms of mutual growth?
  • How does the potential partner view growth and does it align with our perspective on expanding our services or market reach?
  • Are there mechanisms for regular review and adjustment of the partnership strategy to foster growth?
  • How committed is each party to investing resources into the partnership to fuel mutual growth?
  • How will success be shared? In the event of setbacks, how will responsibility be managed to ensure resilience and continued growth?

Engage in open communication

Open communication between parties encourages transparency, trust and a mutual understanding – all crucial elements for business collaborations. Having open, honest conversations helps spot issues early, manage expectations and nurture a culture of solving problems together. It ensures that both sides get each other's needs, abilities and limits, making teamwork towards shared objectives smoother.

Communication is especially important when it comes to partnerships where you may be indirectly marketing or selling each other’s solutions. You’re forced to make critical decisions, such as how to use each other’s brand or assets, who can sell the product, and how the customer relationship is handed over. Cross-selling requires relinquishing some control over the buyer’s journey and the sales process. It is therefore critical to establish transparent communications to ensure that you or your partner can align with the brand’s standards and messaging, share feedback and adjust as needed.

Keep in mind, as your business evolves and adapts, so do your potential partners. Starting off with transparent communication sets the groundwork for handling future adjustments to your solution or theirs.

Questions to consider

  • How often are communication channels open between both parties and are they effective?
  • What mechanisms are in place to ensure transparent and clear communication, especially during disagreements or misunderstandings?
  • How open is each party to receive and constructively respond to feedback?
  • Are there agreed-upon protocols for communication, ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are informed and engaged as necessary?
  • How does each party communicate its expectations and how are these aligned and reassessed over time?
  • How are sensitive or confidential matters handled and what assurances are in place to maintain trust?
  • In what ways are efforts made to understand and respect each other’s communication styles, ensuring clarity and reducing misinterpretations?
  • How will we each market and sell the products created through this partnership?
  • What strategies are in place to ensure that both parties understand and adhere to the agreed-upon sales approach?

How do you build lasting strategic partnerships?

Now that you know what to consider when building partnerships, it’s important to understand the selective versus catch-all approach to partnerships. Instead of throwing your net far and wide, hoping for any partnerships, focus your efforts on those top prospects that have the potential to truly transform your business. It's all about quality over quantity. Rather than chasing every opportunity that comes your way, prioritize those partnerships that offer the most promise.

But here's the thing: while you should be selective, don't completely close yourself off from unexpected opportunities. Sometimes, those under-the-radar partnerships turn out to be the ones that make all the difference. For example, when IBISWorld first started selling individual reports on our website, there was no intention to license the content for resellers. Yet when we were approached by one, we took a chance on the relationship and managed to grow our website presence faster than expected due to the backlinks and referring traffic coming from the reseller’s site.

Steps to cultivate long lasting partnerships:

Once you’ve found and engaged a potential new partner, here are some steps you can take to cultivate a positive, lasting partnership:

  1. Set clear goals and milestones: Start by defining clear, win-win goals that match both yours and your partners long-term visions. Break these into manageable milestones to track progress.
  2. Build trust through consistency: Always meet or beat expectations in your interactions. Being reliable builds trust over time, setting a solid base for a lasting partnership.
  3. Focus on relationship building: Besides handling contract matters, spend time nurturing personal connections with your partners. Attend industry events together, have informal chats, or share insights. Strong relationships often lead to better teamwork and understanding.
  4. Use technology for collaboration: Embrace digital tools for smoother collaboration and communication. Whether it's project management software or messaging apps, tech can boost efficiency and keep both sides on the same page.
  5. Adapt and grow together: Markets and business landscapes are always shifting. Stay open to adjusting your partnership to tackle new challenges or seize unexpected opportunities.
  6. Celebrate wins together: Recognize and celebrate milestones and successes as a team. It strengthens your bond and reminds everyone of the mutual gains from the partnership.

An infographic detailing the steps of cultivating long relationships.

Innovation and embracing change

Today, innovation and adaptability are essential for survival. As technology evolves at breakneck speeds, businesses are realizing that growth hinges on strategic partnerships, not just solitary efforts. And let me tell you, this isn’t a dress rehearsal; this is the real deal.

Through embracing change, you must remember to adjust your internal processes to fit your new partnership seamlessly. Review current processes, involve your team in finding fresh ideas and prioritize flexibility for smooth integration into customer workflows.

Embracing partnerships requires a mindset shift. You don’t just   weather change, you welcome it. Resistance to change is a natural part of any strategic initiative, but change presents an opportunity for your business to innovate and grow. Change management is a crucial part of successful execution of a new strategy, and embracing change will help your business stay agile and responsive amidst evolving market dynamics.

Final Word

The concept of 'always be connecting' takes on new meaning in this context, emphasizing the need to forge interconnected partnerships that transcend traditional boundaries. It's like the updated version of the classic 'always be closing' mantra, but with a modern twist that speaks to the power of teamwork and collaboration.

By focusing on customers, product quality and smart partnerships, companies can set a strong base for lasting success. From my own experience, I've seen how crucial it is to shift from siloed operations to interconnected ecosystems where agility, collective innovation and customer-centricity reign supreme.

Of course, predicting the future is no easy feat, especially in an era of rapid technological change and shifting consumer preferences. That's why, in my opinion, fostering a culture of innovative collaboration, embracing disruptive technologies, and entrusting partners to shape the future of industries is crucial for staying ahead of the curve.

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