Enterprise Type: Proprietary Company
What does City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd do?
Pradella Group is a Proprietary Company that generates the majority of its income from the Financial Asset Investing industry.
In 2024 the company generated total revenue of $68,001,000 including sales and other revenue. In 2024 Pradella Group had 19 employees including employees from all subsidiaries under the company's control.
The Chief Executive Officer of Pradella Group is either not applicable or not available.The Chairman of Pradella Group is either not applicable or not available.
City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd - Products & Brands
City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd, trading as the Pradella Group, develops commercial, residential, and industrial buildings within South East Queensland, and larger Queensland. The group's projects can be categories into the following divisions:
Residential Projects: Wave Residences, Davies Residences, Orleigh Residences, Ferry Residences, Montague Residences, Halo Residences, Breeze, Alto Residences, Illuminate, Radiance, Arbor, Parc, View, Rise, Liberate, Canvas, SkyView, Horizons, Vista, Cooloola Sands, Drift, Reach, Parklands, Tempo, Flow, Roma Street Parklands, Allegro, Viva, Left Bank, Encore, Riva, The Shoals, Verandahs on Vincent, West End Central, La Foresta, Paradise Island Resort, Hillcrest, Centrepoint, The Summit, and Ridge on Leichardt.
Industrial and Commercial Projects: Montague Markets West End, 225 Montague, Pacific National, Lot 4 & 5 Portlink Industrial Park, Shutter Concepts, Lot 9 Portlink Industrial Park, IMS Innsol, Moto National, Bris Concrete Pumping, Lot 2 Portlink Industrial Park, Pulse Units, 900 Boundary Road, 6 Champman Place, Asa Bostik, Repco, Golden Circle Retail, Craig Mostyn Group, Cadillac Plastics, HPA Walker, Modern Group, Corporate Estate, Lot 26 Metroplex on Gateway, Michael Hill, Bistro Complex, Fisher Paykel, Carpal Aluminum, Precision Tubing, Filtronics, Kirby Refrigeration, 121 Evans Road, Gromarket, Southcorp Whitegoods, Welded Tube Mills of Aust, Hills Industries, Mayne Nickless, Coil Steels, Nick Scali, Lot 11 Biz, Marinucci, Boundary Industrial Zone, 154 Melbourne Street, and Lot 7 Northlink, The group also developed RCC Builders for the construction arm of Pradella Developments.
City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd - Key Personnel
City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd - Financial Statements
City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd Financial Profit & Loss Account
06/30/2024 |
06/30/2023 |
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2020 |
Sales Revenue |
60,120.0 |
71,852.0 |
49,935.0 |
1,000.0 |
3,000.0 |
Other Revenue |
Total Revenue |
Cost of Goods Sold |
Depreciation |
R & D Expenditure |
City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd's Competitive Environment
City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd operates in the following industries:
City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd's main competitors:
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City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd’s financials, including Profit and Loss Account (Revenue, Interest, Profit and Loss, and Audit Fees) and Balance Sheet (Current Assets, Non-Current Assets, Current Liabilities, Non-Current Liabilities, Shareholders’ Equity), as well as Number of Employees, Number of Share on Issue, Market Capitalisation and Earnings per Share where available. Note: we do not provide a full financial details for all company profiles.
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Operating Segments
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City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd
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City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd.
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City Lodge Motel Pty Ltd, including founding information, past announcements, mergers and major projects.
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